This where you'll find important information including How to Prepare for your Treatment, Frequently Asked Questions and Terms & Conditions.
Calm Touch Therapies is a Mobile Service Providing Treatments in your Home
What to Expect from a Home Visit
Preparing for your Massage During the winter months I recommend having your heating on slightly higher than usual to help you to stay warm during your massage. If you do tend to feel the cold more than most, you are welcome to have a spare blanket at hand for extra comfort! I also ask that you provide a couple of large towels or blanket to cover you during the massage. I will provide everything else that I need.
What to wear I advise wearing something comfortable and easy to undress/dress from. Lounge wear or loose gym clothes work well. As you are at home, feel free to wrap up in your dressing gown - it will save you trying to put on clothes over oily skin! Underwear such as briefs, boxers or shorts should be worn as matter of hygiene and policy.
Hydration Hydration is very important following a massage so drink plenty of water and/or herbal tea. Good hydration will help aid in the recovery of tissues, especially following any deeper work.
Ambiance I supply relaxation music to play during treatments, but if you’d like to play your own music or prefer silence then that's no problem. If you want to light a candle or have low lighting please feel free to do whatever helps you to relax and soak up all the goodness from your session!
Consultation At your first appointment, a full consultation will be carried out prior to your massage to make sure the treatment is suitable for your needs. This will be included in the time booked for your massage. On subsequent visits, you will be asked if there are any changes to your condition that the therapist needs to know about before your treatment.
FAQ Is My Home Suitable? It is not necessary to have a huge amount of space, so a living room or kitchen is usually enough to set up a massage table and move around it. If your home is very limited, I can bring an ergonomic chair that takes up less space and is also suitable for those with limited mobility. Please advise in advance if there are multiple flights of stairs or steep staircases as it may be difficult to carry a massage table up these. It is also important that there is parking close by for safe loading and unloading of equipment and that the distance between the parking space and house is not too far to walk as the equipment is bulky to carry.
Can you Use My bed Instead of a Massage Table? No, a bed is much lower than a massage table and causes back strain for the therapist. If climbing onto a massage table is difficult for you, then I can use a massage chair instead or carry out a treatment from a chair in your home.
Who can Have a Massage? Massage is generally safe and suitable for all ages, genders and body types. If you have a particular ailment or treatment then call or message to check if a treatment is suitable for you. If you are receiving treatment from a doctor, check that they are happy for you to receive a massage.
Can I Remove my Underwear? No. As part of hygiene protocols and therapist safety measures, you will be required to keep your briefs/boxers on. Bras may be removed or undone as required.
What Can Massage Help With? Massage has been found to be helpful with muscular aches and pains, joint stiffness, lack of mobility, loss of flexibility, stress, sleep deprivation, headaches, migraines, sciatica, depression, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, circulation and much more. There are no guaranteed results but just about everybody feels better afterwards.
How Far Do you Travel? I generally travel within a 12 mile radius of Radcliffe, (M26). If you live beyond this please message me to check availability and note there will be a charge for travel and time costs depending on distance.
How Do I Book? I have an online booking system. If you cannot find the time or day you would like please phone 07901 644760, or text, message or email to [email protected] and i will try to accommodate you. Evening and weekend appointments are available on request.
How do I Pay? If booking online you will be asked for payment at the time of booking. If this is not convenient, you can pay the therapist either by card or cash on the day of your treatment or by BACS or PayPal, preferably in advance of the treatment, though first you will need to book the treatment by calling or messaging.
Terms & Conditions Cancellation Policy - Please try to give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel or rearrange your appointment.
Please be ready for your treatment when the therapist arrives. Any delays will mean your treatment time will be shorter. The therapist will endeavour to arrive 10 minutes before the appointment time to set up equipment.
Inappropriate Behaviour - Calm Touch Therapies has a zero tolerance policy to inappropriate behaviour. We reserve the right to terminate a treatment with immediate effect and without refund if the client demonstrates behaviour including but not limited to: intimidation, verbal aggression, physical violence, evidence of intoxication or sexual behaviour. 'Happy Endings' are NOT part of the service.